Safely back on the mainland

As always I forgot to say we got here in the end. The early hours of Sunday morning were challenging to say the least. But all is well that ends well and by Sunday evening we were in the millpond conditions of Marina La Coruna, showered and wine and nibbles to hand.

5 thoughts on “Safely back on the mainland”

  1. Great to hear that you’re safely back on land after a tough few days. What a lovely relaxed photo- it looks from the empty tray of nibbles right in front of Dora as if she didn’t take long to register the fact that she felt you rather deprived her of rations at sea.. x


  2. Sorry I only just caught up with your Blog – so belated congratulations on another successful Ocean Voyage and clearly a rugged one for the second half. You showed your mettle as true seamen / women and brought the ship safely to port – and it was the intended destination. Good on the whole crew !


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